
5 Shvat 5781

be""H Dear G'd, I thank you today for: Creating me and creating a world for me in which to live. Giving me my parents and my brother. Giving me my wife and children. Giving me my friends, teachers, learning partners, and communities both local and online. Sincerely - Tsbi Hirsh.


 be''H 5 Shvat 5781 Dear Reader, I am using this bit of space on the internet as a journal to record four things for which I feel blessed, every day.  I might be writing more, but my commitment is to record four things for which I thank HKBH (haKadosh Baruch Hu) for putting into my life, every day that is permitted to me. May haShem bless you with health and opportunities for loving, earning a living, learning, and teaching. Kol Tuv - Tsbi Hirsh PS: extra points awarded for how many homonyms of "for" in this post.